HARDEGGER KÄSE AG Höchste Kompetenz für Schweizer Käse. Wir leben Käse! Im Familienunternehmer Hardegger Käse in Jonschwil, am Tor zum bekannten Toggenburg, dreht sich alles um Käse.
Käse, Schweizer Käse, Cheese, Hardegger, Familienunternehmen, Jonschwil, Toggenburg
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Top expertise in Swiss cheese

We love cheese! Everything revolves around cheese at Hardegger Käse, the family
company at the gateway of the well-known Toggenburg region. Approximately 170
employees live their passion for Swiss cheese with us every day. We are specialists in
the production, affinage, cheese ripening, and customer-specific packaging of Swiss
semi-hard and hard cheeses (sliced cheese). With us, everything is from a single
source. Our cheese specialties are distributed in Switzerland and exported
predominantly to Europe, Asia, and North America.
Tradition and expertise are extremely important to us. Today, we can count ourselves
among the most important producers and distributors of Swiss cheese, and we are
proud of this!










Only the best is good enough

Quality is a priority at the Alp Senn AG. Thanks to our strict and consistent quality management, we satisfy our
customers’ highest expectations at home and abroad. Exemplary hygiene, regular checks, and automatized and
documented processes enable us to get certified annually with the IFS and BRC higher-level certifications. It is our
foremost objective to serve our valued customers with only the best quality and best services.


Our variety at a glance

More than 165,000 cheese wheels are stored in our cheese maturing cellars. This ensures that our customers at home
and abroad have uninterrupted availability of Swiss cheese specialties. We have years of experience in the production,
cheese ripening, packaging, and distribution of Swiss cheeses. Our extremely competent and dedicated development
department ensures that we always have our finger on the pulse of time and set new standards in the cheese industry.


Our traditional cheese specialties

At Hardegger Käse, you can find an exceptional range of the most popular and traditional Swiss cheeses. We are a one-stop shop for all major Swiss semi-hard and hard cheeses.


Gold-Vreneli Sieger

Appenzeller® cheese

We are especially proud of this! We also won our 50 Gold Vreneli for Appenzeller® cheese this year. This dazzling result is only possible thanks to expertise and experience.

St. Galler Rahmkäse

Gold medal

At the International DLG Test Special “Cheese Counter” in March 2022, our new homemade cheese was honored with first prize.

Gallus Grand Cru

Best semi-hard cheese
in the world

Gallus Grand Cru was selected from among 3.600 submitted cheeses as the best semi-hard cheese in the world by the selected jury of experts at the World Cheese Awards in Wisconsin (USA). Click “here” to learn more about this cheese specialty.

Alter Fritz

Gold medal

Double surprise! “Alte Fritz” was also honored at the Word Cheese Awards with a gold medal. The experience and expertise of the master cheesemaker “Fritz” make this cheese a true specialty. Click “here” to learn more.

Der Umwelt zuliebe


Sustainability has also been a priority of ours for years.
We are proud to announce that all of the production facilities have been extensively equipped with photovoltaic systems.